The FTD® Sweet Beginnings™ Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Bringing a blush to their cheeks with each soft, sweet bloom, this stunning spring flower bouquet is ready to surprise and delight your recipient. Clouds of white hydrangea blooms are the base of this arrangement, making the colors of the hot pink roses, pink gerbera daisies, and pink Peruvian Lilies pop against their clean, textured background. Accented with seeded eucalyptus and presented in a hot pink cylinder ceramic vase, this gorgeous flower bouquet is the perfect way to celebrate a birthday, the birth of a new baby girl, or a special anniversary. GOOD bouquet includes 9 stems. Approx. 12"H x 12"W. BETTER bouquet includes 12 stems. Approx. 12"H x 13"W. BEST bouquet includes 16 stems. Approx. 13"H x 15"W.

The FTD® Sweet Beginnings™ Bouquet



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